Hey there, I’m Julie Prescesky.

How can I help you? Let me tell you a bit about who I am and what I do.

I enjoy graphic design because it allows me to be simultaneously creative and pragmatic and that is just sweet music to a gal who keeps a slow drip dripping on both sides of her brain. It allows me to help people realize their visions for their businesses and creative ventures and I’ve always been the kind of person who revels in being the helper, the sounding board, the gentle guider and the encourager.


I love illustration and surface pattern design for much of the same reason – functionality. Making art that is nice to look at, and useful too, appeals to me. But I also love the process and conceptualization of art, and art for no other reason than just yielding to art’s own need to be created. If you’ve ever had the urge to create something, you’ll know that sometimes that something tells you what you are making, not the other way around. It’s part of the mystery of creative energy. That energy can take so many forms and it’s a lot of fun to explore.

How did I get here?

My educational history is in Multidisciplinary Fine Arts (meaning, I just wanted to do everything), but even prior to that I had always been an artist at heart. One of my earliest memories, at age 3, is when I drew a bunny on a wall lined with newsprint and won a drawing contest in my very small countryside community in British Columbia, not far from Vancouver. That tickled me and a seed was planted that somehow there was this small flame inside me that I needed to protect and grow. Since then, my life has been centered around what I see more as a compulsion than a skill or gift. I can’t not be this way. So, thank goodness for the internet and all the modern day avenues that allow people like me opportunities to find employment with our creative compulsions.

Find my paintings on instagram @juliepresart. Find my illustration @julieprescesky.